Wednesday, January 21

An extinguished candle

I think the title sums it all up, but it is a gloomy time in ones life when someone in the family has left to reach god........

My Grandfather's brother died recently and it still stays like an irritation when I am constantly reminded that he is no more!

Though the first time I got to stay with him and spend some time was just this New year's time and it is amazing that so less a time could leave a mark in my life!

It is surprising how quickly bonds are made, especially those of love. I shared a very special bond with him.

I am proud at least of the fact that he knew that I would become a doctor! I really wanted him to have seen me become one!

I am sure now that I will fulfill my dream and step into his steps! It gives me immense pleasure to look at the way his patients bonded with him!

"Dear Grandpa you shared a very warm place in our hearts and your presence will always be felt forever. I can never forget the way you conducted yourself and the way you kept saying, 'he has a lot of exposure!' I will never forget the inheritance you left me. The books that you have collected so carefully since a long time. Nothing else could have been a better good-bye gift!"

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