Saturday, January 16

From the cerement of Cimmerian shade to Glorious Elysion

We open ourselves and wait,

For some reason this mundane life

Doesn’t seem to bore anymore.
The same deeds those are so close to me
Do not bear the same ‘semblance.
Though I stray around, I can never see
The new dawn bearing fond remembrance.

Oh! If only were it reason
To change again, forever renew.
For no more do I wish to live,
But still that gentle tug
Pulls me back and wakes me
With kisses new and many a warm hug
Reminding me the necessity to live and to be.

I wandered lonely in the dreary desert;
Sick of life, sick of hope,
I was but a parched bird waiting to cease
I knew not where I was then,
But I can wait and be for all I see
And do and die for answers; when
I get them will I be a bird so free.

A new seed sprouts as dew sprinkles
A new hopes lives as the light brightens,
Somewhere deep down in my heart I know what I missed:
The calm ocean so tempting with peace,
The sizzling inferno waiting to gorge
My mere body- an instrument to my soul, and with ease
Help close my eyes and bury after I die.

I sauntered in the vast bareness when I was greeted
By a snake slithering in fatal stillness,
Lethal enough the hiss to bring me nearer to demise
I kneeled down and proclaimed, “O slithering Beast!”
It’s stillness turning static, “ease my soul with your fatal bite.”
It glared at me as if scared, not ready for a feast,
And instead moved on, leaving me victorious in a matchless fight!

I wound about in parched sluggishness
To be enticed by a sight so innerving yet clairvoyant
So quixotic that I fell into a trance
Only to be tampered by the majesty of a ‘pard,
His bared fangs in vicious clutter and eyes crimson poison
His deathly stare calmed into a mere cuddle, Bacchus in endless expanse
“I shalt not hurt thee!” he manifested in a voice as sweet as Damson.

Oh! What could I do? How I wished
I was shrouded in easeful death, if I could sleep
A cerement of Cimmerian shade in pious thanatos’ bosom
My tongue has ne’er tasted sweet true love
Into the gates of the abyss will I go.
The myth of Alcyone, tranquility in a branch of olive
Into eternal star shine in the bed of Virgo.

Alas! I reached a bayou of Quiescence
And thus I beheld a sacrosanct pageant
A wood nymph, bathing, her beauty so enchanting
Oh fair maiden! Take me away, far far away!
To your kingdom where I will meet your king.
To the epitome of creation, to Elysion, take me I pray!
There I shall be the slave of Dionysus, in merry will I drink and sing!

O what can ail thee? You dauntless mortal
What is your sorrow? I cannot see
For with my holy eyes what I fancy
Teases me beyond comparison
In my kingdom can you be Dionysus’ slave, drink and sing
But why go there, I see no reason
For standing beside you is god himself the glorious king!

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